Seattle Contempt Court Paralegal Services King County

Contempt of Court King County Paralegals Washington State

To speak with a family law paralegal call: 206-471-1245

To speak with a family law attorney call: 206-683-3985

Have you been served contempt of court documents or do you need to serve the other party? Either way, King County Paralegal Services can help you prepare your case and documents.

DCS not getting your back support collected or they are taking forever to get going on it? Use the teeth in your order of child support by having us prepare your contempt of child support documents for Washington State Courts. If you are the paying parent you may want to consider modifying your child support too.

Our paralegals can prepare your child support contempt of court documents for collecting unpaid child support. When found in contempt of court for child support in WA State, a paying party could face jail time or be required to make a payment by a certain date to avoid jail time.

If you have been served a contempt of court show cause and you do not believe you are in contempt, King County Paralegal Services can help you organize and analyze you case to make the best use of your attorney's time. This will save you money and give you the best opportunity of a thorough defense against the allegation of contempt.

Often when a parent is being brought to court on a motion for contempt, you should consider if reducing your child support is an option to keep from being in contempt in the future.

Sometimes a parent is being brought on contempt for not paying other expenses that are in addition to their monthly child support payment. This is often used option for collecting on support that the other party has not been paying.

Contempt of court child support and other document preparation fees in WA.

Additional Local Information:

Family law document preparation is available for most of Washington state for the surrounding areas of:

King County in Washington State.

Including the city areas of:

Paralegal document services King County WA for Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Kenmore, Bothell , Kingsgate, Seattle, Shoreline and Sammamish in Washington State.

Paralegal Family Law 206-471-1245

Attorney Family Law 206-683-3985

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King Paralegals Family Law Attorney and Paralegal Services for North King County WA, including Seattle Redmond Bothell Kirkland Kenmore Shoreline Bellevue Renton. King Paralegals provides services for family law document preparation for the surrounding Lake Washington area.