Seattle Parenting Plan Paralegal King County WA

Document Preparation Paralegal Services Seattle King County Washington

To speak with a family law paralegal call: 206-471-1245

To speak with a family law attorney call: 206-683-3985

The phrase, "I need a parenting plan" can mean pretty much anything from getting visitation to changing custody when people call me on the phone. Paralegals at King Paralegals provide expert parenting plan paralegal services.

Sometimes what a client wants is a divorce and custody. Other times it is a nonparent such as a grandmother or uncle that is seeking custody from the parents. Other times it may mean the client is unmarried and wants to obtain custody and child support orders. There are also the calls from those wanting to change (modify) their parenting plan.

There are clients that have called about parenting plans, when really they mean they are not getting to see their children even though there is a parenting plan. These clients are usually needing a motion for contempt of the parenting plan and the supporting documents.

I will discuss five of the most common categories of our parenting plan paralegal services: unmarried parents, nonparents, divorcing parents, relocation of children and the somewhat similar modification of the parenting plan.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services for Unmarried Parents. Parents that have never been married to each other frequently do not have a court ordered parenting plan. If you already have a parenting plan, King Paralegal can help prepare the documents for a modification. Whether you need to start with a motion, petition for a parenting plan or establishment of parentage, King Paralegals can help you through the correct process.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services for Nonparents. Nonparent cases are also known as third party custody. These are the most complex of parenting plan custody paralegal skill sets. It requires the knowledge of parenting plans and custody as well as the specifics of RCW 26.10.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services for Divorcing Parents. In cases such as these, you are really looking for a divorce paralegal and the services and expertise that paralegal can provide. Divorces with children have the additional complexities of parenting plans and custody issues. Additionally, King Paralegals can help you prepare the documents for child support.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services for Parenting Plan Modifications. How often is a parenting plan modification agreed upon from the start-rhetorical question because the answer is not often. If a paralegal can help with disputed parenting plan cases, no doubt that paralegal can do agreed (but not necessarily visa versa). Our King County Paralegal Services is well versed on disputed matters involving modifications of parenting plans.

Parenting plan modification paralegal services may involved parties that are divorced, never married, a nonparent, or even unmarried parents that have never had a parenting plan. Yes, unmarried parents that have never had a parenting plan in some cases have to modify the parenting plan they have never had.

Parenting plan modification paralegal services can range from changing minor aspects of a parenting plan, that are not always as minor as you would think, all the way to a custody battle for the children or child. More on parenting plan modification paralegal services on my link heading this section.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services for Notice of Relocation. A proposed relocation of the child or children can be a very sticky mess if the other party objects. A parenting plan paralegal in and by itself helps, but in such cases I refer to the paralegal as a child relocation paralegal. It is essential that the paralegal have parenting plan skill as well as custody dispute expertise and relocation experience. Parenting Plan cases involving a notice of intended relocation of a child often end up with the other party responding with an objection to relocation.

The paralegal will need to be well versed in relocation law and the 11 points. So make sure to have a King County Relocation Paralegal assist in this type of case. Or, got get simply an "experienced" paralegal-sarcasm emphasized. Personally, I have been involved in several successful cases where we suppressed the other parent from relocating with the child.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services for Visitation. Generally speaking, modifications of the parenting plan that involve only visitation are minor modifications. Sometimes, the parent has no visitation at all because there is no parenting plan. In such cases where there is no parenting plan, the case is separated but not divorced parents, or the parents have never been married.

Parenting Plan Paralegal Services Involving Custody. Either custody is trying to be established for the first time or child custody is being changed from one parent to the other parent. The parents are possibly divorcing and fighting over custody. Other times they are already divorced and a party is defending against the other party trying to change the custody. Relocation of a child sometimes ends up in a custody fight. You sometimes will have a nonparent trying to get custody of the child from the parents. Parentage actions can be a custody dispute right from the moment of first establishing parentage or later on when a party seeks to show adequate cause to change custody. Custody is a very complex area of overlapping family law expertise.

A true parenting plan paralegal is well versed in all types of these cases, not just simply a paralegal capable of doing an agreed parenting plan up for you. A paralegal at King Paralegals is an expert parenting plan relocation custody visitation paralegal.

A fair question to ask any family law paralegal or attorney is if they have any experience in contract law. If they say no, find a different provider of said services.

Seattle Parenting Plan Paralegal Services and Paralegal Document Fees.

Paralegal document services King County WA

Parenting Plan Paralegal services for Custody Visitation King County WA Seattle 98115 Seattle 98103 Seattle 98133 Seattle 98105 Kent 98042 Seattle 98118 Renton 98058 Seattle 98125 Kent 98031 Bellevue 98006 Des Moines 98158 Seattle 98198 Renton 98059 Kent 98032 Kent 98030 Seattle 98168 Seattle 98155 in Washington State.

Paralegal Family Law 206-471-1245

Attorney Family Law 206-683-3985

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King Paralegals Family Law Attorney and Paralegal Services for North King County WA, including Seattle Redmond Bothell Kirkland Kenmore Shoreline Bellevue Renton. King Paralegals provides services for family law document preparation for the surrounding Lake Washington area.