Process Server Queen Anne Seattle Paralegal Services WA

Queen Anne Seattle Paralegal Services

Family law paralegal 206-471-1245

Paralegal Service Near Queen Anne Seattle

Get help preparing divorce documents near Queen Anne in Seattle. Agreed divorce documents prepared also include the finalizing documents. We also prepare documents for child support and parenting plan modifications.

Process Server for Queen Anne, Seattle

Documents served anywhere in Queen Anne of Seattle for $80. We will also serve documents anywhere in Northwest Seattle for the fee of $80. Other neighborhoods in the Northwest Seattle are Westlake and Ballard.

Queen Anne In Seattle, Washington

Queen Anne is northwest of Downtown Seattle, and to its north its Fremont and Ballard. Seattle Center is right next to Lower Queen Anne. Lower Queen Anne is also known as Uptown.

A half mile stretch of Queen Anne is known as the spine of the central business district. Queen Anne has 29 designated historical structures, 12 of which are the old Queen Victorian style mansions.

Paralegal Family Law 206-471-1245

Attorney Family Law 206-683-3985

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King Paralegals Family Law Attorney and Paralegal Services for North King County WA, including Seattle Redmond Bothell Kirkland Kenmore Shoreline Bellevue Renton. King Paralegals provides services for family law document preparation for the surrounding Lake Washington area.